Friday, April 27, 2012

Fear and Monsters

I've decided to write in the honor of fear... Strange? I know.
More specifically I have decided to write in the honor of vocalized OCD, Amnesia: Dark Decent, the Equinox music video by Skrillex, and of course the dreaded 'finals'.
The way I'm going to be honoring this fearfulness is by telling a scary story! What better way is there to appreciate being scared (In a good way scared, not scared like "OH NO!! Someone I love is about to die!!", kind of being scared, but a "Ooooh... That's creepy... I don't like it... Do it again.", kind of being scared.)
And after all the very best kind of scary story is one which is completely and entirely true. So, I'll tell a rather scary story from my own experiences.
[Those with week constitutions may wish to turn away now.]


In case you did not know, I have a rather extreme dose of ADD in my system. In fact, when I was younger before I knew how to get myself to focus better, I used to never get any of my school work done and would thus have a very large amount of homework every day. I would work all day and sometimes deep into the night attempting to get my work done. As a result of all this I started getting medicated for it. The medications worked wonders. I could get my homework done before I had even left school and still had free time before the bell rang. My grades increased exponentially and my life was as fantastic as a pre-teenager's could be.

This medication, however, had some rather daunting side effects. You see, I had to take the medicine just before I went to bed each night. As a result, my mind became very active at night and would not fall asleep until around one o'clock or later each night. These tormenting nights of no sleep plagued me for weeks until things began to get worse.

At that time I would dread the night because I was forced to lay in the dark alone for hours upon hours. My insanely active, worrisome, and somewhat twisted mind would create horrid hypothetical situations in which all the kinds of terrible things I could imagine would happen to me or my family. Thankfully, as a Pastor's son I knew the power of prayer and of God. My prayer life had never been so tested and would not again for many many years. I worried about everything from my families salvation to their health. I prayed for the same. I almost had these terrible nights down to habit when it came.
Laying down in my bed, trying to breathe slowly to make myself sleep, a feeling that was something like fear but more twisted and close-by overtook me. It was like the feeling of walking alone in the dark thinking you are about to be attacked by some kind of monster when you realize that the monster in you mind isn't real and at the same time you realize that a different more powerful monster has his claw on your shoulder. I wanted to vomit and scream all at once. I knew without a shadow of a doubt that something was wrong. I sat up and climbed down my bunk bed ever weary of the shadows that seemed to be writhing all around me. I was in a fight or flight mode, I suppose I chose fight because I stalked out of my room trying to convince myself that if there was something in my house I would be able to fight it off or at the very least be able to wake up my parents so they could help me. I could barely see the back door over the counter when it suddenly flew open.

Everything in my body told me to scream but I was paralyzed with fear. I have never since felt such horror; I could hear something breathing. I tensed every muscle in my body so I would stop shaking. Turned my back on the back door and took a step towards my room; the breathing got louder and I heard something dragging across the floor. I looked into my room on the bottom bunk was my sister sleeping, I looked to my left and saw two of my younger sisters sleeping, I looked to my parents room and saw them both there in their beds. I took a step forward towards my room and was once again frozen in fear; the feeling of darkness, of being followed by a dark horror, of being sucked into darkness came upon me again. I turned around and faced the monster.
Before me then was something I have never seen the likes of since. Upon seeing it my eyes were fixated on it and my heart began to pound but I didn't breathe. I cannot know for sure if the evil I saw that night was a waking nightmare, a hallucination, or if it was what my insides were screaming that it was. That night, I give you my word, there was a demon in my house.
It had the appearance of the upper half of a corpse; no legs, crawling about with its arms. Its flesh was ripped and tattered but without blood. Its body was a pale rotten gray. The few wisps of hair it had left were dark brown and white. Its face was twisted into a wicked smile of unforgivable malice. I'll forgo you the horror of its hypnotizing hellish eyes. This thing was slowly crawling towards me. It was chasing me and I couldn't run.

Then the air changed and the monstrosity hesitated. I didn't hear a voice but I felt like I had, a good voice. A voice that made me think of battles and angels and prayer...
I started praying.
My eyes saw no change, the creature still advanced towards me, but my spirit felt it. It felt like rolling thunder. I didn't understand anything that was happening at the time, now I recognize what was perhaps the clash of warfare in the unseen land of demons, angels, and the Holy Spirit. I felt compelled to walk and talk in faith. I talked, "In the name of Jesus," -it shuddered- "go away. Get out of my house! And do not ever bother me again!". Its eyes looked lustfully into my sisters' room, "Do not bother any of my family! Go away in the name of Jesus.". I walked, I turned around and the thunder stopped. I crawled in bed and closed my eyes, I wasn't scared anymore. I fell asleep before I could think to lay down my head.

I didn't tell anyone about the evil thing I saw but I convinced my parents to start trying a different medicine. I slept soundly then. I've never seen or even heard of a thing that can compare to that nigh

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