Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Letter of an Illiterate Pt. 2

Hi! Guess what? It's my birthday today. I am turning six years old today. I'm almost a grown up! Are you going to get me a present for my birthday? The older princesses already got me a present. They got the lamp that I used to have in my room and they put pretty flower covered blankets and stuff on it so it makes flowers on the walls when you turn it on! It is so beautiful! They had it all wrapped up in paper and everything so I could unwrap it. They gave it to me while we were in the truck on the way to the new palace. We aren't supposed to give each other stuff because the men told us that. That's why they gave it to me in the truck.
Maybe you can get me some kokain for my birthday? That would be awesome! We only get a little bit from the men every day and I love it so much! I don't know why I love it but I do it is my favorite thing in the world. I don't understand why you hate it so much. You don't have to get me some I guess but I would be really happy if you did.Why does it make you so sad when I take it and use it? If it is bad why don't you make me not do it? You don't even make the men not hurt me.
I know you hate it the most when they hurt me and lay on me. But it's ok it doesn't hurt very much any more. Besides they give me kokain when I don't fight. And I really like it when you hold my hand when it hurts and give me a hug after that makes me feel better. It makes me forget about this place. I wish you wouldn't cry though. It makes me really sad when you cry. For my present, how about you don't cry for the whole day? Besides, don't you know that I am a princess? That's what the men tell me that I am here with all the other princesses. That's why I am here.
You are the only prince I've ever seen here. Are all princes shiny and glowing like you? Your clothes are really bright and pretty. Can you get me some pretty clothes like yours for my birthday? That would make me really look like a princess. 
I think that you were a soldier like my brother Isaac. That's how you got the scars on your hands and around your head. Will my brother become a prince like you when he's done fighting? I hope he's ok; I miss him a lot. I want to give him a hug.
Can I tell you a secret? I don't like being a princess. All of it is horrible except for you and the kokain. You and it are why I stay here. If you weren't here and I didn't have any kokain I would run away! You could protect me if I ran away right? Since you were a soldier. Maybe you could go get my brother and his friends to come rescue me! And then we could go find mom. She has been gone for a long long time.
I have to go now. You don't have to get me a birthday present if you don't want to. But if you do I hope it's good. 
Bye! I'll see you in a little bit! I love you!
The Princess
The glowing Prince who holds my hand.

(Dedicated to Binita, Ayela, and all of the other girls who have had to, or are currently suffering through sex slavery.)

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