Thursday, March 1, 2012

Silence-Fear-Heroes (Dying in Dreams)

Months and months pass and fade. Each one setting the path for the time of the future. Days beget days, hours beget hours, seconds beget seconds. Each month passes away in silence slowly not even knowing that a month shall come after it. Men strive to last and survive but why should they? Time does not, it knows its horrific death awaits it as soon as it comes into being.

"This is the way the world ends; not with a bang, but a whimper." - T. S. Eliot

Time, existence, even thoughts pass away silently.
How am I expected to continue on in life if I know my life shall pass away unremembered? With no one to admonish the unbearable silence. What courage am I meant to portray if all that will remain of me is an empty shell of a man? I, like the earth and even the universe, shall pass away in only a shadow of memory which shall then fade into the forgotten.

"We have nothing to fear but fear itself." - Franklin D. Roosevelt

Time itself, the unstoppable force of nature and actuality, shall die just as it begins to live. Though, man can see the fear of death. Animals, Gods blessed creatures, attempt to live for the sake of survival. How good it would be to live for the sake of living. To walk to water for the sake of taking a drink. To study for the sake of gaining knowledge. To kill for the sake of avoiding Death's underling.
Humanity cannot ever exist in such a way. We know the fear that haunts us. Our minds, fashioned akin to that of the Lord in heaven, have the capacity for thought. Not only thought but thoughts capable of forcing us to feel that which we have never felt, even which we could never feel.
The fear stricken imagination of humanity may feel in vile nightmares; the fires of the sun, the ice of the darkness between universes, the teeth of demonic creatures in the night, strike of the earth after falling an immeasurable distance, the silence, pain, hate, and fear of inevitable death sliding over your soul...

Humanity has said that our dreams cannot show us what we have not already experienced. Humanity, to protect its mind from a premature fate--a fate that some suffered even last night--has said to experience death in a dream means the death of the dreamer. To impact the earth means physical passing. How then can we feel the loss of a loved one when we have never lost love? How can we feel fire without being burned? How can we feel the teeth of a creature that has never existed? How can some--myself included--truly know and experience the feeling of death and yet live?

"To die must be an awfully big adventure." - Peter Pan

The wretched feeling of death in the most black of dreams and waking thoughts; in essence a few moments of hell itself, is the fear of the end, the fear of perfectly dark silence. It is the undefeated enemy of all reality. None could ever defeat such a wicked, cunning, malevolent, violent, destructive, and all-powerful enemy. Yet there are Heroes.
There are not always Heroes. Wickedness triumphs commonly and even customarily. Yet in this rare instance of anti-perfect evil there are those whom shall face the evil of absolute end with courage despite the inability to combat it. They shall feel the sickness of life-absence infecting their bodies and their souls. They will gladly experience the moment of pain that lasts a moment and in it an eternity.
These Heroes who find themselves cursed to live through death throughout their lives in an endless fight against this reigning foe will die. This foe who has laughed at their squirms and mocked their feeble attempts to avoid true silence has dragged his wicked talons tortuously across their mind every night that their mind allows him to enter. These Heroes shall look towards their life-long despair and they shall die. They shall glare with a grin as equally wicked as their tormentor and they will scream into the silence, "You are defeated! I shall not die!"'

"I shall not die, but live, and declare the works of YAHWEH." - King David

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