Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Letter of an Illiterate Pt. 1

Hey dad, it's me Isaac. I just wanted to say hi and tell you about how things are going. I really really to miss you. Its hard to be here without you. Could you hurry up and come pick me up? I know you said it might be a long time but it's already been more than a year. I only have one more year before I'm a teenager so you better come get me before I get too old! I know that you want to work on my room and make it big enough for me and my sister and mom.
Is mom doing ok? She looked really sad last time I saw her when they took me and my sister. You are good at cheering her up though. I remember you cheering her up a lot when I was a little kid. I bet she is helping you a lot making our rooms look nice. She likes decorating rooms and cleaning stuff. Tell her I love her and that I miss her!
Have you picked up  my sister yet? I don't think you ever told us if you were going to pick up me or my sister first. If you haven't picked her up yet then have you checked on her? It's going to be her sixth birthday in a few days and I wanted to go see her. The guys told me that she was going to become a princess and that she would live in a palace, that wasn't even in Africa, with the other princesses. It would have been cool to go with her and become a prince but the guys told me that they only wanted girls now. And that the boys are supposed to be soldiers. They said I wouldn't like being in the palace.
I don't like being a soldier at all. I had to kill someone yesterday and I hated it! He didn't even have a gun or anything we already captured him. My friends tell me that killing people is ok and that I'll like it better when I'm older. The guys all clapped when I did it but I felt horrible. I didn't cry though. The other soldiers said that crying and hugs and stuff is just for the girls and that real African men don't cry or give hugs. But I remember one time when you visited us when I was really little and you gave me a hug. I told mom you visited but she didn't believe me. I told my friends that are as old as me in the army about when you visited and they laughed at me. Some of them said I was making it up and some of the others said that they heard you were killed! I know that's not true. You could never ever die. I told them you are the best soldier ever and they said you weren't in the army so if you are a warrior then you must be a bad guy. I told them that wasn't true either and they laughed at me.
Do you kill people? I've heard stories that you used to before I was born, but I don't think that those stories are true. You're too nice to kill people. Maybe you only kill bad people and you don't hurt them or anything like the guys here do. They are really mean to the bad guys sometimes.
Anyway, I miss you a whole lot and can't wait till you get done building my room and you come get me and my sister, so we can all live together and not have to fight anyone.

In Jesus name,

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